
My Life Evolution Story

  Do you ever feel like you are stuck?   You can see where you want to go, but you cannot figure out what you need to do to get there, or you are afraid to just take the steps that will get you there?. Well, I have had plenty of these moments in my life, and it was not until I started following my principles and what I value most in life that I began to understand myself better and evolve as they say. My past is full of what can be perceived as bad choices, but what one person sees as a bad choice in my life, I look at these choices as learning moments for myself. They have helped me understand the person I do not want to be, and they have me given the foundation to build on who I want to become.                                             My daughter and my motivation for everything I try to base my life on truth, honesty, self sufficiency, and making sure my daughter wants for nothing. I found myself working a job that I loved, but as time went on I began to see that there were m