My Life Evolution Story


Do you ever feel like you are stuck? 
You can see where you want to go, but you cannot figure out what you need to do to get there, or you are afraid to just take the steps that will get you there?. Well, I have had plenty of these moments in my life, and it was not until I started following my principles and what I value most in life that I began to understand myself better and evolve as they say.

My past is full of what can be perceived as bad choices, but what one person sees as a bad choice in my life, I look at these choices as learning moments for myself. They have helped me understand the person I do not want to be, and they have me given the foundation to build on who I want to become. 

                                        My daughter and my motivation for everything

I try to base my life on truth, honesty, self sufficiency, and making sure my daughter wants for nothing. I found myself working a job that I loved, but as time went on I began to see that there were many times that the overall management and daily operations functioned on lies, dishonesty, and extraordinarily little respect for everything that I was doing and all the time I was putting in. I began feeling angry and detached at work because the values did not coincide with my own. I suffered through this for a long time and ultimately came to my breaking point and the decision that this type of environment was not one that I wanted to be apart of anymore and one I could no longer support. So, after 6 years I just left.

Now I am not a risk taker and I rarely do anything without a plan but when I left I did not have one. I felt so disengaged and defeated, I needed to give myself time to really think about what was next for me, then COVID hit, so I had lots of time to consider my next move since I was home doing online school with my daughter.

A quiet place to think during Covid

After much thought and numerous conversations with friends and family, I finally concluded that I no longer wanted to even go back in the industry that I spent almost 13 years in and decided to go back to school and completely change my life. At 35 this was a challenging and super scary prospect for me, I kept thinking how someone my age thinks that at this point in life it would be a good idea to return to school and start a new venture, but here I am.

I have to admit that school has at times been more stressful than I could have anticipated, but as I push forward through all the classes and get closer to finishing, the path to my future has become clearer and clearer.

As I look to my future, I will still follow what I value most and push to achieve the best for my daughter in a career that will not only challenge me but excite me as well because its something that I have worked hard to achieve. The prospect of starting from the bottom no longer frightens me because I know myself and how hard I will push to climb back up the proverbial ladder. And to be honest I welcome all the new challenges and learning opportunities.
